I think this has been the most significant
spiritual retreat I can remember. What
has happened so far?
· I have had the opportunity to gather with 30
colleagues from all over the world – Canada,
Australia, Ethiopia, Germany,
Taiwan, and all over America, all
across the Protestant evangelical family of churches and traditions. We have pastors, church planters, seminary
profs, denominational overseers and worship leaders among our group. Our fellowship has been honest and open and
very encouraging.
· We have had two full weeks of time – which has
given me time to think deeply about issues of discipleship and the theological
foundation underneath. We have had time
to probe the deepest questions and challenges of personal and pastoral
spirituality. We have had time to seek
the face of God in a fresh way under the guidance of a remarkable man.
· We have been sitting with a master. Dallas
Willard – with the very able assistance of Jim Smith and Jan Johnson, are a
team of depth, experience, knowledge and wisdom about the Christian spiritual
· We have been pushed to be more deeply biblical
about our faith and ministries. We have
probed passage after passage of scripture, Old and New Testaments, looking
frequently at the original language, often at the theological context. In particular the Biblical theme of the Kingdom of God has been a worldview shift for
almost all of us, certainly for me.
· We have had time to probe our own spirituality
with great honesty. Its strengths and
weaknesses. We have looked with open
eyes at our lives and ministries. God
has met us there.
· We have had the great favor of this retreat
center, giving us a time apart from the demands and pressures of spiritual
life. Surrounded by images and statues
of the Passion of Jesus championed by those who built and host this Retreat Center, we study and think and pray in a
place built for it.
· I have had the hills of the San Gabriels, rising
4000 feet, the foothills of the Sierra Madres (I think!). I have spent about two hours each day
climbing these hills, sometimes moving fast, but much more often moving in a
leisurely pace, looking, thinking, praying, listening, breathing. The hills are alive with the voice of the
Kingdom, as Jesus taught. I have
recovered in them a measure of strength and health that I am so grateful
· We have had the chance to put into practice what
we are learning. A day of silence and
many more meals in silence this week; multiple times of solitude in the hills;
immersion in large tracks of scripture and the study of the “Masters”;
memorization of Colossians 3 and soaking in
the Sermon on the Mount and 2 Cor 1-6; prayer
in season and out; celebration!!!; good spiritual direction from people who
know how to do it; the discipline of our desires… It is a long list.