This morning, in the midst of 4+ hours of worship, the final draft of our statement was released to great waves of celebration and hops and joy. It was a breathtaking moment. No hint of triumphalism, but a widely shared sense that we stand on holy ground, and that the Lord has heard our call and has risen. A sense that something evil has broken. That a new and hopeful day is at hand. We finish by 1 PM, and late in the day, after many, many hugs and affectionate conversations, many, many expressions of hope and resolute partnership, I begin my long journey home. How eager I am to see you all, and for the days ahead.
What Was Accomplished at GAFCON? What has happened these weeks? Well, we took counsel together, with ears open to the Lord; we formed many new friendships; we were richly encouraged in our faith; we reaffirmed the core of our faith; and we spend days walking slowly through the places where Jesus himself walked and lived, ministered and died and roseā¦ It was wonderful, and I carried you on my heart as I went.
More than this, I think we will see in the years ahead that God has moved at GAFCON to:
- Launch of a Confessional and Conciliar Movement within Anglicanism. These, we believe, are fundamental remedies for our Communion, addressing and healing the failures of Anglicanism over the past decades. The encouragement of the biblical churches will be immense.
- Draft and affirm of a core set of doctrinal and moral values (the Jerusalem Declaration) as the basis for our fellowship.
- Affirm a Council of confessing Primates, and a conciliar process to guide the movement.
- Call for all Anglicans to affirm these standards as a basis for fellowship. The authority of leaders and councils who are not willing to join us in these affirmations and who hold to a false gospel has been rejected.
- Ask for the affirmation and recognition a new Province in North America by the Council of Primates, consisting of all who are able to join in our common affirmations and gospel mission. For the first time, evangelical Anglicans in the West are under godly primatial leadership, clear biblical doctrine, and sound moral guidelines.
- Breach the wall of western hostility to the Gospel. What happened at GAFCON will reverberate across Anglicanism, across the mainline denominations, and across western secular culture. A hostile spiritual stronghold has been broken. I cannot adequately tell you of my own encouragement and of my hope for the days ahead. A great door has opened in front of us. There will be opposition all around, but the way forward is clear and ready.
GAFCON talks, statements and reports can be found here:
A friend is, as it were, a second self.
Posted by: new jordans | November 06, 2010 at 02:01 AM