"What Jesus taught about the Kingdom that was so shocking to people was that it is present and available. His Kingdom is right here, right now, and the doors are open to anyone."
"Jesus had taught that increase was a mark of the Kingdom... Look at the phrase “bearing fruit and growing”. Behind that phrase is the Greek word for "increase". Here’s the deal: In the Kingdom of God the "increase" reality is connected to the "Word" reality which is connected to the “God” reality. They go together."
“The Word of God is a Kingdom power, and you have to learn about Kingdom powers. It brings “Increase”. No limits. No boundaries. Stretching forth. Enlarged territory. Lives redeemed. Darkness thrown back. Hope abounding. Love rising. Faith spreading. Christ-likeness breaking out!”
“Our minds are what John Stott calls the "control tower of our lives. If something goes wrong with our thinking, something will go wrong with our lives.” It’s true. You become what you think. That’s why the primary meaning of “repent” is “change your mind”. So Paul prays specifically and daily for this increase of knowledge and wisdom.”
“Knowing about the Lord is linked to living for the Lord. Knowledge of God is not given for any other reason. Not to make us smarter, but to make us holier. The Christian who knows a great deal about Jesus but has no desire to become like Jesus or act like Jesus is a discredit to the Bible he reads and the God he confesses. Truth is given not to puff us up, but to build us up. So Paul prays for increase of a Christ-like life in ‘every way’ and in ‘every work’. And he knows God will answer that prayer because it’s a Kingdom prayer.”