"The #1 best seller of the NYT’s book list for the past several years has been a novel of fiction solidly inside the Gnostic family. Know it’s name? The DaVinci Code"
"Jesus is not just a sketch, not just an outline of God, but a full painting. A clear picture. Nothing essential is held back. Do you remember how Jesus himself said it to Thomas? John 14:9 'He who has seen me has seen the Father...' "
"Look up at the stars, look down into the sub-atomic structures and you will see the traces of his handiwork. Look carefully at your neighbor be he friend or foe, look deep within yourself… and you will catch a glimpse of his signature - you will understand that all was created: 'by him, through him, for him' "
'That is the power of the sacrifice of Jesus, to reconcile to God (take a breath with me here…) every galaxy, every nation, every star system, every race, every plant, every planet, every person … There is nothing beyond his reach."
“People need something far more than a good story. We need a real life, a changed life, a forever life. A life written by the real Author, a life “free from accusation”, a life stretching out into a redeemed cosmos for never-to-be-told centuries ahead. There is one place to get that life. Only one place. It comes “by him, through him, It goes on forever for him, in him” Nothing more is needed. Nothing less will do."